
We have too much good news in Malnutrition, Maia is due to deliver her baby in April, and Elisa has secured a place at University of Timor Leste to study Nutrition, so Malnutrition Team Leader, Lidia, has a slight headache.


Along comes Vilma, who has been volunteering as a general clinic volunteer and interpreter.

Lidia asked that Vilma be allocated as a Malnutrition volunteer and Vilma is now learning from team mates Maia and Lidia and following the WHO guidelines. Today she delivered her first session on balanced nutrition under the supervision of Maia.



We want to welcome Vilma, and Malnutrition team are confident that the team gets stronger because we are so lucky to find enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers to begin their training.

  • by Helen Moorfoot
  • Filed under Capacity Building, On the ground.

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